
Feelin Groovy by Intro*Spec

     Pete Rock    Simon and Garfunkel


Song Name:           Feelin Groovy

Artist Name:          Intro*Spec from the Evolutionarie Rebels

Original Beat was created by:           Pete Rock

Original Lyrics created by:                  Paul SImon and Art Garfunkel

“This is a love song… written for all of those that I love. My Family, My Tribe, My Friends. Cheers to the memories that made us who we are today. Thank you for the light you have brought to my life” – Intro*Spec 

This song was inspired by 3 things:

  • Good Memories
  • Pete Rock
  • Simon and Garfunkel

During one of his daily, riding around in his truck FreeStyle sessions, Intro*Spec decided to put the words to his favorite  song, “The 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin Groovy)” by Simon and Garfunkel, over the top of one of his all time favorite Beats “Get Involved” by Pete Rock. He had so much fun doing it he figured he might as well record it.

While in the studio, Intro*Spec couldn’t help but let the memories of old, inspired by the two songs and their messages, collide with the lyrics from Simon and Garfunkel’s words. “I got all choked up, thinking of all of the amazing friends, that I consider as close to me as family, and all the many amazing memories we have made.” “This song goes out to you and the many memories we have yet to make together”



Special thanks to Pete Rock and Simon and Garfunkel. Even though it was used without your permission, we hope you take it as the tribute and display of gratitude as intended (if you or your lawyers ever hear it).

Song/Series: Emotional Choice By: J.S. Epperson, Lori McDonald, P.T.R. (Vocal production)

Song: Emotional Choice Instrumental Track – (This is a 40 second clip from the instrumental track from the Emotional Choice series. Each section of Emotional Choice is a combination of music, vocals and sound technology (Binaural Beats) that empower the listener to fully experience and choose their emotions)

Created by: J. S. Epperson (Music)                Lori McDonald (Vocals)      Phantom Tollbooth Records (Vocal Production)

“Emotional Choice was inspired by a lunchtime walk.  Lori McDonald and her fiancé walked around their typical route discussing their day, and their frustrations.  They noticed a pattern.  For the past several weeks their talks revolved around the same issues and the same emotions.  No matter how much they tried to move on, they couldn’t unhook these powerful negative emotions.  It became clear that the reason was twofold:

  • They weren’t going deep into the root causes and fully experiencing the emotions.
  • They didn’t know how else to feel because they had been dealing with these emotions for so long.

Once they realized this, they spent some time doing meditations to get at the deepest levels of their emotions.  And they spent time considering what the contrast to what they were feeling was, and experiencing those emotions. After a few days they realized their lunchtime conversations had moved on.  They were able to move forward in their lives because they had conquered the fear and hopelessness that had been occupying them.

That is what inspired them to make a program to help others conquer the emotions that are running them ragged”

– Emotional Choice

Click here to learn more, hear more or to purchase: Emotional Choice

Song: Find Out Who You Are By: Evolutionarie Rebels

Song:     Find Out Who You Are

Band Name:       Evolutionarie Rebels

Band Members:               Fyzyk (Preston)                                LIT (Kimball)                Like Jackson (Bo)

This beat was created by Ivory in Las Vegas; it traveled to Denver and found us (above). Using the tools available in Fyzyk’s studio/spare room “Find Out Who You Are” was written and recorded.

This song is about the moments in life when personal obstacles are pushing us hardcore and we find out what we are made of by breaking through them and moving forward. Who are you?

–          Fyzyk

Song: Bombs Away – Artist: Wrong Around

dannys party pics 138

Song: Bombs Away            By: Wrong Around

This song was written in a tiny little corner of a garage filled with s%@t, then later recorded at BOHO Digitalia. It’s an oldy but goody.

“I first started thinking of the words for this song at a Face to Face show. Its all about going to a Punk Rock show to let out your anger and frustrations with the world, and in turn the feeling of love from all the people around you, who feel what you feel.

If you be your self the world will seem less twisted, but the world is still twisted. Like minds, with like problems, sharing and feeling music together is a form of therapy.

The end of the song reminds me I have a long road ahead of me and to keep running right down the middle of it.”

-Danny  Levesque

Wrong Around is:
Danny Levesque (Lead Vocals / Six String)
J ‘Mad Brad’ Chandler (Bass)
Jesse Levesque (Drums / Vocals)

Push me and i push back harder,
Music playing the crowd gets stronger,
Let it go, all bombs away

Be the one that starts the crowd,
Get it done, sing it proud
Let it go, bombs away

Well time is ticking in this world we got
It takes a little, we don’t have a lot
In this fucked up world with lost priority’s

So just wait, it wont come,
Your gonna waste your life trying to be some
Just be yourself and your day will come

Another day nothing matters,
The simple truth never shatters
Like the one we got that gives us passion
This world does not give me passion.

So run, we got a long run
Kick your feet up don’t look back and just run.

AdVenture – By Intro*Sepc (Hip Hop, Industrial, Cartoons and randomness in between)

brock-samson-picture (1)

Song: AdVenture         By:  Intro*Spec

AdVenture was created in May of 2010 at Phantom Tollbooth Records in SLC.

Over the years I have been working on “my style” whatever that is. I am sure if you were to ask any artist, no matter the medium, they would all say they are working on their style to some extent or another.

That being said, I would like to say that, more so then just working on my style, I might actually have a little bit of my style with this beat:

This beat was spawned from a couple comments made by my wife Mimi. One about the drum beat of a Lagwagon song (the exact one escapes me) that she said “has the same beat as the one you are always tapping and beat boxing”.

The other was about a sound she heard me playing when she commented “that sounds like you, it has your industrial feel to it”. She was not only referring to my robotic like tendency to be O.C.D. but also to the tribute of Trent Reznor (NIN)  that I have, on my wall, behind my desk.

These comments got me thinking, how about I throw some of my favorite things together? Some Hip Hop, Industrial and… why not… Cartoons!

A little bit of information on the last. The cartoon that is sampled in this song is called “Venture Brothers”. It is on Adult Swim (late night Cartoon Network for adults) and it is my favorite!

It has Patrick Warburton who, hands down, has the coolest voice in show business!  He has been on Rules of Engagement, Bee movie, Emperors New Groove, and many more. None of those hold a candle to the outrageousness and awesomeness that is Brock Samson (his character in Venture Brothers).

I invite you to watch a few of these videos of Brock Samson and the Venture Brothers. Once watched, I think the beat will fall into the funny, crazy category instead of the crazy, slightly homicidal… but I will take either 🙂

Venture Brothers Trailer (for a mature audience)

Brock Sampson clip (for a mature audience)

– Intro*Spec

Traverse 1 and 2 – By Mimi Rogers

Traverse 1 and 2

Art: Traverse 1 and 2          By: Mimi Rogers

Painted: October of 2008 with Oil and Canvas

“When I paint I usually am okay with letting go of my work when I am done. Most of the time, it moves me when other people are inspired by my art, especially when they want to buy it.

The year before last I had an art show and it had a fantastic turnout, I sold a couple of things that I loved. These two paintings stayed with me after that though, I really did not want them to sell and I am not sure If I am ever going to sell them.

This set is oil paint on cream canvas. It is titled “Traverse 1 and 2“. Traverse means: the act of passing across, over, or through.

I tried to capture some of my own growth and put it down here. I feel like it represents the choice between rock bottom, movement, and elated direction. It is a reminder for myself that I have a choice every second to just turn around an walk back up the stairs to where I wanna be. I am pretty sure all of the figures in these paintings represent one form of myself.

For that art show I included a lot of robot pictures. Robots are some of my favorite characters to portray my expressions. I feel they always start neutral because they are not human. For me it is a personal giggle every time I make them act human in my paintings and drawings.”

– Mimi Rogers

Design By Mimi Figments of Mimi

Get Involved! – By Imbibe (Fyzyk and One L I T)

P and K for Get involved

Song:  Get Involved      By: Imbibe (Fyzyk and One L I T)

Get involved was written in the spare bedroom of Fyzyk’s house in Denver Colorado, in October of 2009.

“Get involved is about exactly that, the song takes us on a journey starting in a space of frustration, and goes to actually opening the eyes and mind to take a close look at what could be.

Our attitudes and filters that we perceive reality through, determine 100% of what is true to us. There is a solution for the problems of the world, we just have to see them, then act upon it. Get Involved”

– Fyzyk

The Mr. Rogers meets ODeasy – The beginning

The Phantom Tollbooth Anticon: Music for the advancement of Hip Hop imbibe1

I was going to post some Poetry/Lyrics I recently wrote today. But I figured that before I did I would start at the beginning with Preston, Imbibe, my A.K.A. and its evolution and why I write.

I have always loved writing. I loved English classes (even though I slept through most of my High school English). I think I developed a taste for writing while attending a religious private school called Heritage Academy.  They had a unique discipline practice for kids, who like me, where not very quiet and/or obedient.

Every time I would get in trouble (once or twice daily), they would take me to an empty room, give me a pen and paper and have me write an essay. The length of the essay would depend on how big of trouble I was in.

After a few months of doing this, I could pump out a three page essay, about anything, in 5 minutes or less. The up side; I could get thoughts on paper quickly and clearly. The down side; my B.S. meter grew and my handwriting/spelling went down hill (good handwriting and spelling took to long). My handwriting and spelling have never recovered!

Let’s fast forward a good 10 years later and post high school. While I would journal and write my thoughts down (pre blog) I never wrote poetry (mostly because I didn’t think I was any good).

It was a summer day, I was relaxing on the couch and I had decided to listen to a CD that was given to me by a friend, under the pretext that it wasn’t very good. It was the first time I slowed down to listen to it since I received it and I was blown away by the complexity of the Lyrics, the potency of the message and the uniqueness of the production.

That day I listened to that CD; the Anticon Sampler Music for the Advancement of Hip Hop, over and over and was never the same.

While I had listened to Hip Hop in the past, it was more of a gimmick, something to listen to for fun as a gangsta white boy. But this music was different! For a long time one of my favorite bands was the Dead Kennedy’s. I was always impressed with how much Jello Biafra had to say and how every time I listened to his music I learned something new and/or heard it in a new way.

On this Anticon CD there was a ton being said! I realized that with Hip Hop you can cram in one song more words, and more messages because you aren’t trapped to the same type of melody that punk or rock is hooked to… And I had a lot to say!

After that day, I was hooked… Little did I know, my soon to be Best Friend Preston Goold (A.K.A. Fyzyk), was listening to the exact same CD, at the same time and having a similar epiphany. We didn’t even know each other yet.

I memorized every word of that album. I found the different artists on the label and bought their CD’s. I found out that most of these artists were geeky college kids, mostly white, with a focus on expanding vocabulary and the mind and not focusing on girls, guns and clubbing.

However, it wasn’t until two things happened that I got the courage to start writing myself. First thing was, I met Preston and we couldn’t help but create our conversations into written works. Second, I went through the Great Life foundation and had a Stewart Smalley moment (good enough, smart enough, etc…). From there Preston and I would write hourly…

We worked together at a screen printing shop and we would write, memorize and practice while we worked. Stopping, in the middle of production to go try out lyrics on each other and working right next to each other while practicing our cadence. Our days where spent swapping music, memorizing other people’s material and most of all, finally getting all of the things we wanted to say out!

I believe that one of the reasons Preston was inspired was because of his big brothers Kimball (One L I T), who had been creating Hip Hop for a while. He was like our Hip Hop yogi… and still is! Thank goodness for big brothers!

After a while, there begin to be a group of us, some of us in Utah, with Preston and I and some of us in Vegas, with Kimball  Like the conglomerate Anticon, we begin to go by the communal name of Imbibe RecordsImbibe means to take into ones self.

Years passed, poetry was written, lyrics were memorized, readings, shows, etc. and eventually the music making part of the process needed some attention. At the time there weren’t very many “geeky” Beat Makers in Utah. Some how, using my4 years of piano lessons and a knack for computer software, I started making beats and recording our vocals.

At first I really sucked (I am not saying I am great now but I really sucked at first)!! And it took me two years to realize that production and music/lyric creation are two different and conflicting parts of my brain!!! But during that time, The Phantom Tollbooth (named after my favorite cartoon) was erected in my basement. This was a box that resembled a tollbooth, made out of ply wood, carpet pad, an old screen printing glass window (an inch thick) and a microphone.

I recorded some pretty good stuff in the Phantom Tollbooth. I recorded some of Danny from Wrong Around, some ofBJ’s blues riffs, Chuck from Bombs and Beating Hearts doing his solo stuff and Preston and I’s lyrics. (Eventually I will put out a sampler of the Tollbooths golden years with all of these recordings!)

However, it was short lived due to Preston moving to Portland.

After Preston left, I started to immerse myself into my profession and instead of memorizing lyrics and music, I started to memorize business systems, equations, best practices, sales techniques, etc. and my music took the back seat. Then family, new baby, etc, kept it back there all for almost 3 years.

What can I say, everything has its seasons. The seasons have changed and now I am back into the music season, with more passion for it then ever!

While the Phantom Tollbooth is in peaces in my new house, I still have a studio/office and my music equipment collection has increased. I probably won’t put up the Tollbooth like it was and will instead turn a whole room into a sound booth (so I can record whole bands, instead of individual parts).

When I produce something in what I call the man cave (studio/office), I do it under the label name of Phantom Tollbooth Records, to pay homage to Preston and I’s pinnacle of music production together and the make shift, awesome, vocal booth.

I am currently working on my own projects as well as some collaborations that I will discuss in the future as well as explain in more detail the different parts that play with Imbibe Records and Phantom Tollbooth…

While it has been ruff not having Preston around all the time to create music, we still stretch each others brains and we have both continued and grown musically as individuals.  He has been creating some amazing music with his brother Kimball and they have been doing shows. The just did a huge show in Vegas a few months ago that was epic!

And while I would like to think I am pretty damn good with my lyrics, I know that do to my OCD nature, my music game has more to go. It has become tons better since I stopped trying to produce and create lyrics/music at the same time!

But instead of waiting for perfection before I share it (with anyone but my wife, Preston, Kimball and a handful of others under the preface that only they can listen), I am going to start letting it out and sharing it with all who will listen. And working with all those who are patient and willing!

And on that note, I used to go by the name Obsessively Disordered (O.D.). Yes it is a play on words. Yes O.D. usually stands for over dose and yes it is a contradiction of its self… But hey, that’s how I roll. I have been told I am OCD by many a people and I also know that I thrive in chaotic situations that I can organize. I was and to a huge extent, I still am Obsessively Disordered. But the name has changed to ODeasy. Because while I am still O.D. I am going to make this so much easier!!!

Edit: Yes O.D. Easy has gone through another and hopefully his final identity crises. John Rogers is now going under the name Intro*Spec. As in Introspect and Introspection. More on this is future posts 2/3/11

Phantom Tollbooth Records

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Welcome to a place where Rhymes and Reasons are shared. This is a place where you can  share your talents and meet other artists who also have a message and who are willing to listen as you share yours.

If you would like to write a blog for Phantom Tollbooth Records, about you, your music, your art or your journey. Please, email This is open to anyone who has a message that they would like to share through the medium of art.

– Phantom Tollbooth Records